Monday, December 30, 2019
Morning ritual that will make you happy 4 secrets from stoicism
Morning ritual that will make you happy 4 secrets from stoicismMorning ritual that will make you happy 4 secrets from stoicismSometimes life sucks. Bad. Really bad. And you feel like you want a refund.But, of course, we need to accept that Life Avenue is going to have its share of potholes. Albert Ellis, one of the most influential psychologists ever, knew that acceptance is key to coping with the curve balls life throws at us.Many other titans of wisdom agree. Like, for instance, Homer SimpsonIt makes sense. Walking around constantly expecting life to give us everything we want is bedrngnis only comically entitled and ridiculous, but would make existence a hell of perpetual frustration.But heres the thing some of the wisest people who ever lived take it further than acceptance. A lot furtherMany of the greats embraced the concept of Amor Fati. To not only accept everything that life brings you, good or bad, but to love it. To embrace it. To revel in it. Every single bit of your life . Yes, even the truly horrible, awful, regrettable, dont-ever-want-to-think-about-it-again moments.Ladders is now on SmartNewsDownload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.To which I initially responded with a big honking Huh? Seriously?The Stoic philosopher Epictetus saidDont landseek for everything to happen as you wish it would, but rather wish that everything happens as it actually will then your life will be serene.And Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius agreedAll that is in accord with you is in accord with me, O World Nothing which occurs at the right time for you comes too soon or too late for me. All that your seasons produce, O Nature, is fruit for me. It is from you that all things come all things are within you, and all things move toward you.And this seemingly loony idea persisted. In the 19th century Nietzsche wroteMy formula for greatness in a human being is amor fati that one wants nothing to be different, not forward, not backward, not in all eternity. Not merely bear what is necessary, still less conceal it- all idealism is mendacity in the face of what is necessary- but love it.So we should wake up and think Amor Fati? We should wake up and think a lot of life is going to be awful - and then love that? And this is the key to a joyous life filled with great achievement?I repeat Huh? Seriously?Were gonna need a little help to fully unpack this one. So I gave somebody a call who knows this stuff Ryan Holiday is the bestselling author of The Daily Stoic and The Obstacle is the Way. His latest book is Conspiracy. Hes going to help us get to the bottom of how loving everything in your life - including the truly awful stuff - is one of the most powerful ideas around. And a great way to start your day.Lets get to it How to Amor your FatiThe Stoics never said Amor Fati. It welches Nietzsche who coined the phrase. But Ryan feels those two words best encapsulate the entire philosophy of S toicism. He credits author Robert Greene with turning him on to the idea. Heres how Ryan defines the termAmor Fati is a mindset that you take on for making the best out of anything that happens. Treating each and every moment no matter how challenging as something to be embraced, not avoided. To not only be okay with it, but love it and be better for it. So that like oxygen to a fire, obstacles and adversity become fuel for your potential.Thats profound and it also sounds really damn hard. (Im not sure I have it in me to love life when theres a paper jam and I want to throw my printer out the window.)But a better understanding of Stoicism helps here. The Stoics were big on the dichotomy of control. So much of your life is not under your control. You cant control the world or other people. Often you cant control whats going on in your head. The only thing you can control is your deliberate thoughts and actions.So to let our happiness and self-worth zusammenge on what we cannot con trol is futile. Ridiculous. We often unconsciously default to thinking that we have control over everything - and then were angry, sad or frustrated when the universe quickly reminds us that we dont.We cannot control most things. But we can control how we feel about them by changing the expectation that were entitled to have everything go our way all the time. We can treat life less like a capricious opponent, and approach it with a curiosity and a respect for its challenges. Heres RyanWe dont control most of what happens in life. That seems like a weakness. But we do control what our reaction is to those events. What we tell ourselves they mean to us and how we will integrate them into our lives. On the one hand, were powerless, but on the other hand were deeply empowered. To the Stoics, most of what happens is outside of our control, but we have this superpower of being able to love, embrace, accept, and make the most of what does happen. Thats this idea of Amor Fati. If you thin k about it, its fate. Fate is implying a lack of control, and love is, in regard to your reaction, implies an intense agency that you choose to love that fate.Life is not gonna give you what you want all the time. Youd agree with that, right? Then why are we so frustrated when we dont get what we want? We take pleasures for granted and are frustrated by the difficulties. Yet we readily admit difficulties are inevitable and pleasures must be worked for. Its totally inconsistent - and the source of most of our bad feelings.So try taking the difficulties for granted instead of the pleasures. Accept them. Love them as challenges that can help you grow. Robert Greene said, With (Amor Fati), you feel that everything happens for a purpose, and that it is up to you to make this purpose something positive and active.Youre on a journey. Your unique journey. Accepting fate sounds like youre about to be executed or something - but it shouldnt. Think about concepts like patriotism or parenthoo d. With these, we know and accept there will be pain and there will be sacrifice but it all serves the greater journey. And we welcome the problems.Everything is not and should not be easy. You can get where you are going, but you need to start here, with your life and its circumstances, whatever they may be. Its not a perfect life, but there is no perfect life. There is only your life. Love it. And rise to the challenges it offers you.(To learn more about the science of a successful life, check out my bestselling book here.)So this all sounds great but next time the printer jams, whats to stop all this fancy philosophy from going right out the window along with your patience?What do we do in the moment when life reminds you you arent in charge and wont be getting everything on your existential Christmas list?Denial and complaining are the enemyAs the old saying goes, If you find yourself in a hole, first, stop digging. Denial of reality is rarely recommended by professionals but o ften employed by most of us. And complaining wastes energy on resistance that could be used toward an effective solution.Our first response to anything bad is usually some version of This should not be happening You can shake your fists in anger and mope around like a surly teenager - or you can speedwalk to acceptance, and get to work fixing things. Heres RyanLamenting, crying, complaining not only do they not make you feel better, they actively make the situation worse. Theyre diverting critical resources. First step is Do No Harm. Im just not going to let my attitude make this worse, by feeling singled out or hurt or whatever. I dont want to trivialize anyones experience, but I would say most of the things that fate deals us are first world problems.Some will complain, But if I just accept everything, Ill be passive and never accomplish anythingAccepting you have a broken leg doesnt mean you dont go to the doctor. It means you dont waste time complaining and dont kid yourself th at youre going jogging tomorrow. And maybe you embrace your reduced mobility by saying this is the perfect time to catch up on reading your favorite blog. (Ahem.) Heres RyanYoure going to come around to some version of acceptance and pragmatism at some point. Theres not really another option. If I throw you in jail, you can deny that youre in jail. For a while. But, the truth is youre in jail. Eventually, youre going to have to come around to the idea of All right, Im in jail. What am I going to do with it?(To learn the secret to never being frustrated again, click here.)Resisting denial and not complaining make sense - but theyre very difficult to do. So what can help?Flash forward to the futureIn the moment, even small frustrations can feel like the end of the world. But if you take a second and realistically think about the future, you know that things are never that bad.Its the worst thing ever and then its not even worth thinking about. Until the next problem, which is the wor st thing ever and then not worth thinking about. Its a silly pattern we repeat endlessly.So think about the future when this disaster will (very likely) be trivial. And get some perspective. Heres RyanPractice the exercise of flashing forward to the future. How will I feel about this with the passage of time? Usually the answer is I wont feel whatever it is so acutely. The loss of a loved one, a breakup, some public embarrassment In five years, are you still going to be mortified, or are you still going to be wracked with grief? Probably not. Thats not saying that you wont feel bad, but youre not going to feel as terrible as you do now. So, why are you punishing yourself?This thing that is the end of the world right now is probably going to end up as a self-deprecating joke you happily tell others. Or maybe it will be an epic story of triumph you brag about. Either way, put it into perspective so you can embrace it and love it for what it will likely become rather than being overwhe lmed by transient unproductive emotions. Heres RyanWe fight desperately against the things that are happening to us as theyre happening. But, then with the benefit of time and hindsight we understand that was nave or foolish. Theres the Churchill line, he says, When tragedy strikes, we never think that it might be saving us from something worse. But, its true. It can always be worse. I think the idea of Amor Fati is stepping back and viewing your own life objectively. Amor Fati is the advice that you would give your friends.The challenges make the story exciting. Your journey cannot be epic without them. So love them not for how you gesangsknstler them now, but for how they will fit into the bigger picture.(To learn the 6 rituals ancient wisdom says will make you happy, click here.)So youre feeling a little better about the gross, horrific injustice that has so unfairly fallen upon you. Now that your head is on straight, how do we resist passivity and move forward toward earthshakin g epic greatness?Treat life as a gameNobody ever started a game saying, I hope there is nothing here that challenges me. And nobody ever reached the second level of a video game saying, I hope the challenges dont increase. Youd be disappointed if they didnt.Welcome the challenges of life instead of clinging to results outside your control that you must have to be happy. Its whack-a-mole but the moles are fati and your whacker is amor. Heres RyanIts like in a game, right? Lets say I throw you into a football game. If you stop and spend all your time arguing over the rules, youre never going play. Maybe it doesnt make sense that the overtime rules are this way or that quarterbacks get special protection, or this or that, right? Theres all these different rules that make no sense that are arbitrarily how the game has developed since its inception. The Stoics are asking you in some ways to accept the arbitrary rules. Then theyre saying you play the game with everything youve got.When I spoke to a Navy SEAL, an Army Ranger and a Special Forces instructor, they all said that reappraising their arduous training as a game - rather than something that would make or break them - was key to getting through it.Life is a game. We can try and fail and try again. Games are fun. Frustrating, at times, but still fun. Life can be the saatkorn way if we welcome its obstacles.(To learn how to be more productive - from the ancient Stoics - click here.)Youre not in denial and youre not complaining. Youre accepting the tough times and treating life like a game. Now how do we bridge that final gap and get to truly loving our fate?Feel gratitude. For the good and the bad.Its not hard to make a case for acceptance and striving. But maybe truly loving the bad moments still feels like a hard sellAnd thats because when bad stuff happens, youre so darn sure youre right. That you have all the answers. That your fuspur of the moment interpretation of this awful situation is objective tru th.But we cant be objective in the moment. We dont yet have the benefit of history. We dont know what this difficulty will mean in the big picture.Missing your flight is enormously frustrating but what if the plane ends up crashing? Frustrating thing not so frustrating anymore, huh? We cant predict the future. So we cant pass final judgment on anything that happens. So welcome the challenge. Be grateful for it. Heres RyanEpictetus says part of the reason youre not grateful is that you see this problem in an unobjective way. You see it as unfair. You see it as impossible to overcome. You see it as any number of these subjective interpretations. No wonder you have trouble feeling grateful.With this attitude, a gratefulness for everything, youre not trapped in the moment. Youre focused on the journey. Your journey. And that perspective not only lightens the burdens of life, it makes you ready to take them on, and happy to do it. Heres RyanAmor Fati translates to a love of fate. Instead of wishing for things to be different, to be better, Robert Greene says, You not only accept them but you love them, you embrace them fully for what they are. And that is the ultimate source of power and strength. A weaker person needs things to be a certain way. The truly unstoppable person loves it all because they can make the most of it.And research consistently shows gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to make yourself happier. So love the hard times. Be grateful for everything in life, instead of being disappointed with the toxikum youve been given.(To learn the 5 questions that will make you emotionally strong, click here.)Okay, weve learned a lot. Lets round it all up and find out how to get started with Amor Fati - even if you dont feel like youre up to itSum upHeres how Amor Fati can make you happyAmor Fati Merely accepting life is not enough. You need the Platinum Pro package. Love every bit of life, good, bad, and ugly. (Yes, that includes traffic.)Denial And Co mplaining Are The Enemy Whatever it is, you will accept it eventually. So sooner is better. And whining is wasted energy. The universe doesnt check its Complaint Box.Flash Forward To The Future Will this still bother you in a month? A year? Then dont let it bother you now.Treat Life As A Game Its no fun if its easy. If your personal story has no conflict, please do me a favor dont tell me your story. Its boring. Do you want a boring life?Feel Gratitude. For The Good And The Bad You dont know what, in the end, will be good or bad. So be grateful for it all. And then work to make the short term bad turn into long term good.Amor Fati is a truly epic concept . But sometimes you dont feel all that epic. I hear you. Again, take the big picture perspective. You truly are stronger than you think. Heres RyanYou come from a long line of people who have beaten the odds. You come from people who survived the plague, who by definition survived World War II and World War I and the Middle Ages and the Dark Ages and the Inquisition and the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. You come from people who crawled out of caves and created civilization. We come from an incredible lineage. But, we often adjudicate that legacy. We think, Oh, Im just this kid from the suburbs. Maybe you literally are, but youre also a child of the frontier or immigration or a survivor of war. Everyone alive right now survived the greatest economic collapse in modern history, which was only a few years ago. I guess my point would be youre stronger than you know.You dont get to make the rules in life but, have no doubt, this is your journey. Your game. There are power-ups if you can find them. And even some cheat codes. But there is no god mode. And Amor Fati teaches us that you wouldnt want to play that way anyway. Really, what fun is that?So when you wake up tomorrow, you may be tired. You may not feel ready for the challenges ahead. But remind yourself Amor Fati. Dont complain. Flash forward to the f uture. Embrace the game. Feel gratitude for it all.That song says, Love the one youre with. Its good advice. But were not talking about romance todayLove the life youre with. Every little bit of it.Join over 320,000 readers. Get a free weekly update via email here.Thisarticleoriginally appeared atBarking Up the Wrong Tree.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Oath of Enlistment for Military Service
Oath of Enlistment for Military ServiceOath of Enlistment for Military ServiceFederal law requires everyone who enlists or re-enlists in the Armed Forces of the United States to take the enlistment oath. The oath of enlistment is administered by any commissioned officer to any person enlisting or re-enlisting for a term of service into any branch of the military. The oath is traditionally performed in front of the United States Flag, and other flags, such as the state flag, military branch flag, and unit guidon may be present as well. Armed Forces Except for the National Guard The military oath of enlistment (re-enlistment) is fairly straightforward for most military personnel. Its administered by a superior officer, and carried out like most traditional oaths, with the officer reading the oath and the person being sworn repeating it. I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and dome stic that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. Army or Air National Guard The National Guard Oath of service is slightly different since Guard members also have to adhere to the Constitution of the state where theyll perform their duties. I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the State of (STATE NAME) against all enemies, foreign and domestic that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of (STATE NAME) and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to law and regulations. So help me God. History of the Oath of Enlistment During the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress estab lished different oaths for the enlisted men of the Continental Army. The first oath, voted on 14 June 1775, was part of the act creating the Continental Army. It read I (NAME)have, this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as a soldier, in the American continental army, for one year, unless sooner discharged And I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as are, or shall be, established for the government of the said Army. The original wording was effectively replaced by Section 3, Article 1, of the Articles of War approved by Congress on 20 September 1776, which specified that the oath of enlistment read I (NAME) swear (or affirm) to be trueto the United States of America, and to serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies opposers whatsoever and to observe and obey the orders of the Continental Congress, and the orders of the Generals and officers set over me by them. The first oath under the Constitution was approved by Act of Cong ress 29 September 1789 (Sec. 3, Ch. 25, 1st Congress). It applied to all commissioned officers, noncommissioned officers, and privates in the service of the United States. It came in two parts, the first of which read I, A.B., do solemnly swear or affirm (as the case may be) that I will support the constitution of the United States. The second part read I, A.B., do solemnly swear or affirm (as the case may be) to bear true allegiance to the United States of America, and to serve them honestly and faithfully, against all their enemies or opposers whatsoever, and to observe and obey the orders of the President of the United States of America, and the orders of the officers appointed over me. The next section of that chapter specified that the said troops shall be governed by the rules and articles of war, which have been established by the United States in Congress assembled, or by such rules and articles of war as may hereafter by law be established. The 1789 enlistment oath was chan ged in 1960 by amendment to Title 10, with the amendment (and current wording) becoming effective in 1962.
Friday, December 20, 2019
How To Create a Personal Website That Will Help You Find a Job
How To Create a Personal Website That Will Help You Find a JobHow To Create a Personal Website That Will Help You Find a JobSo you decided to apply for that job of your dreams. You know you need to stand out. After all, the competition is going to be fierce.Surely, you could use casual language in your emaille, attach a special video, or send a cake (true story). However, hiring managers rarely welcome such approaches, as they often come across as forced.If youre thinking Oh no, the cake was my best idea Just tell me what to do already.Create a personal website. Why? Because its versatile, useful, mora engaging and evenmore fun.Why is the website a better alternative?56% of all hiring managers are more impressed by a candidates personal website than by any other personal branding tool- however, only 7% of job seekers actually have a personal website. (Forbes)What does that tell you? If you need to sell your brand as an employee, creating a personal website might be the best way to do it.Your name, your story, your experience, your skills, your personality as well as your voice, its all your brand. The time has changed and today, you need to be the marketer of your own story.The thing is, most companies dont look for mediocre employees. They want high achievers, especially in the tech and startup world. These are the people who will help the company grow while also forming its culture. Nobody wants to employ a drifter who would just sit there at their meetings.Yup, brutal, but true, and there is almost nothing you can do about it, only adjust.The best way to let them know youre such a unicorn (or narwhal, or whichever you want) is to give your future employer a proof. You need to demonstrate that youre willing to invest time and effort into everything important you do (such as getting a new job). This way you can prove you approach things differently from other applicants.Okay, now to the really important part. How to achieve that?Have you honigwein AIDA?If you ever had a perspektive to wet your fingers in the marketing waters, youve definitely met AIDA. Im not talking about the opera but about the acronym Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.Marketers tend to see this formula as their holy grail, which may be a bit too much. But it works. So why not use it when creating your personal website? All in all, its purpose is to help you attract the hiring manager enough to invite you over for an interview.Actually, let us talk about this in detail. What is the ultimate goal of a personal website in job search? Though counterintuitive, its not landing on the job itself. Theres just a small chance youll get the job right after the hiring manager lands on your website. Unless they are looking for a freelancer, of course.Your personal websites ultimate goal is to make them invite you to a job interview. Then, and only then, the website has fulfilled its purposeWhen thinking about your personal website, use the marketing AIDA as a guideline. In the e nd, you are becoming the marketing and sales department of YOUR NAME, INC. You have to promote and sell your skills, experience, knowledge, as well as your desire for a new challenge.Now, the AIDA steps seem confusing or not sufficiently self-explanatory. And thats ok. Heres a snapshot of whats behind them in terms of your personal website.Attention Make them listenEven if youre the best of the best for the job, as long as the company doesnt know about you, it means nothing.Therefore your first goal is to attract the attention of the hiring managers. How?You spot a job posting. It says you should send them your CV and cover letter. Do it, even though you have a website to which you can point them. You dont want your potential employer to see how slack you are when you cant meet such a basic requirement as attaching your resume.However, the email, that first contact, is precisely your chance to impress.Your goal is to point out that you have a personal website. That fact alone says a lot. It means the company is worth it, it proves youre fully committed to getting that job and youve put time and effort into the process. It will let them know youre willing to go one step further than most.With a well-written copy, your goal is to direct the recruiter to your website. Once they click it, your chances of getting a job skyrocket. Still, its just the first step.Interest Make them want to know moreOnce the recruiter lands on your website, you need to have a great introduction, clear structure and give the best first impression. You want to hook them up and not let go. Even more, you want them to want to know more about you. Try to inspire genuine interest. To achieve that, have a powerful landing page konzept. Powerful does not mean complicated, oversaturated with pictures, lines, objects, and so on. Simple can still be powerful.Not really a design person? No worries. Your websites content matters more than its looks, in most cases. If you have excellent skills and e xperience to show, it goes a much longer way than just sexy aesthetics.Short introduction or bio is the most important part of the landing page. Make sure you dont overdo it, a few short paragraphs will suffice. Who are you? What do you know? What is your current role? What value can you provide? What are you looking for? Whats your life philosophy and maybe what hobbies do you have?This is more than enough to help the recruiter decide whether your application is worth pursuing or not.As a student who doesnt have enough experience, you might also mention what are you career aspirations for the future. Are you a Finance student? Say youre an aspiring investment banker.On the other hand, say only so much that the hiring manager would want to know more about you and your experience. Be it several words or two to three paragraphs, introduction needs to make them interested.Desire Make them want you in their teaOnce you get them hooked, recruiters are going to want to see a proof of your claims and specific results. Thats an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your strongest qualities.One of the crucial features of your personal website is personal tone. Show your personality. In the end, you want to become their colleague. They want to know who you are. Of course, you still want to maintain a certain level professionalism.You also want to describe specific challenges you faced and how you tackled them. Dont forget to also mention any successful side-projects you initiated to support your community. Dont state your love for design. Explain how you used design thinking in solving a particular problem.Results Give them resultsBe prepared to back each of your claims by specific examples. Did you manage to increase sales by 50%? Great Mention it and dont forget to explain how. Did you manage to invite any big names to a conference you organized? Provide a brief explanation.List all of your relevant jobs, internships, workshops, certificates, courses, even your ow n hobby projects. Yup, they can also help you land on the job. Dont forget to use any keywords that fit the job description. But if youve read our guide on how to tailor your resume to a specific job description, you already know this.Action Dont let them stay coldHaving passed each of the previous stages, youre on your best way to get invited to the interview. Youve managed to attract the hiring managers attention and proved youd be a great fit for their company.Now you need give them time to think about it. This is a simple, yet crucial step. The chances theyll come back are very high. Keep your contact information on the screen at all times.If not the email address itself, at the very least have a link to the contact subpage visible at all times. That way youll let them take action in an instant, as soon as the idea of contacting you crosses their mind.Actually, the sole purpose of your website should be this last stage of getting in touch with you. Ready to unleash the power of a personal website? But first, lets cover some of the most frequent questions that ran through your mind while reading the piece.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat URL should I choose?Heres the deal. Youre promoting yourself, so use (or the domain name of your country). That is, unless you really want to showcase a specific skill, experience, or a niche. Or unless your name is taken by someone else. An investment banker? Okey, might be good to go with A journalist focused on tech? can work too.Be careful, though, about search engines and SEO. Better to do some research in advance.One page vs multiple pages?Depends. Single-pagers are more fluid and user-friendly. The visitor can simply scroll down and get the whole picture in one go. If you want to have a simple portfolio or resume website, this might be the way to go. Also, theyre more mobile-friendly.As opposed to that, multi-page websites are usually more trusted an d can accommodate a lot more information. Are you a designer who wants to showcase your full portfolio as well as his story and client testimonials? Multi-pager is your weapon of choice. What if I am not a designer/copywriter?Sure youre not. A vast majority of population works in other professions. Does it mean you have less chance to shine before your next employer? Come on, certainly not. You just need to put more work into it (research and study, if you have time) or pay someone to do that (freelancer portals, if you have money).Yet, even if you dont write the copy yourself, keep in mind you need to make sure it has your voice and the structure youd like hiring managers to see.Shall I mention failed projects?This a hard one. It varies from job description to job description. Generally its better to showcase only your successes and good results. In case the company is looking for entrepreneurial-oriented person with experience or sales guy, it might come in handy to mention you ha d your own company, which raised money from investors even though you had to close it eventually. What proves entrepreneurial spirit better than a failed business (not talking about scam companies, but you know that already, right?).Can I just copy my CV onto the website?No. Noo. Nooooo. No way. No. Not at all. Nada. Never. (Asking why? Read the part about showing your future employer you can put effort into things.)What are some of the best platforms to use for creating a simple personal website?If you dont feel like building a standalone website with hosting and WordPress, you can use template-based platform. One of them is truly yours Kickersumes personal website builder, which you definitely want to check out.Shall I use a professional photo?Yes. Yet it doesnt mean it has to be photographed by a professional photographer, nor you having to be neutral or boring.. Go with the flow of the website and your profession. If a creative professional, go more leisure. A banker or lawyer? A shirt or suit might go a long way.What if my job is not that attractive to be presented on a website?Each and every job is attractive to be presented online. It just depends on your approach. Even planetary scientists can have jaw-dropping websites. Get it?The ultimate Dont-Forget-About-This-Before-Launching-Your-Personal-Website ChecklistDo I want to set up a website on my own or use a personal website creator?What URL do I want to use?Is the URL free? If not, how can I adjust it?Did I buy the hosting with the domain?Can I set up the website from a technical point of view or do I need help?What do I want to tell about myself?What tone do I want to have?How the design should look like?Do I want to have a scrolling one-pager or several pages?What should be the first information and picture on my homepage?How do I want to present myself? Text-only, graphics, infographics, video, combined, etc.?What graphics do I want to use? Illustrations, stock photos, personal photos, etc.Can I an d do I want to create the design by myself? If not, who can help?Can I and do I want to write the copy myself? If not, who can help?Do I want to have a blog page?Do I really want to have a blog page? Am I aware it needs to be updated regularly?When did I last update my website? Did I update it (eg with the right keywords) before sending out my application email?Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments
Sunday, December 15, 2019
The 4 principles for overcoming the biggest challenge of your life
The 4 principles for overcoming the biggest challenge of your lifeThe 4 principles for overcoming the biggest challenge of your lifeWithin each day, each moment of life, each challenge, adversity and mistake, theres something to be won. Everything we categorize or think of as a loss can be converted into a win. The magic of life is about self-discovery Its our job to find the wins, to recognize the opportunities for personal growth and to move forward wiser, more self-aware and better prepared for the next battle.If we focus and concentrate, using the power of our minds, well begin the process of overcoming the things that hold us back. Well start to embrace the battles and view them as part of a longer journeyone that will take us to highs, lows and everything in between. Everything Ive learned in my business career and personal life has taught me that equanimity is the fruchtwein important unspoken truth of life.The moment that we allow life to drag us down, thinking that theres so me indefinite time period before we can recover, is the moment that we surrender our free will. Successful businesswomen like Sheryl Sandberg have used adversity to their advantage repeatedly and have moved forward with brilliance and grace.Singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran overcame a major stuttering problem as a child to become one of the most successful recording artists on the planet. Remarkable that someone who struggled with stuttering could wow so many people with the power of his voice. Sheeran refused to give up.Basketball star LeBron James never gets too high after a big game, and never believes anything is too challenging. In the 16th year of his long, storied career, he has been pressed to his physical limits and yet again, finds himself competing as the best player in the world. Hes lost six times in the NBA Finals. But he keeps coming back for more.Its why hes a champion and one of the greatest players to ever live.The battles that count arent the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself, the invisible, inevitable battles inside all of us, thats where its at. JesseOwensWinning the battle takes extra effort and more than we thought possible. But its there if we want it. We must accept the challenge and we must do so with a spirit of courage that embraces risk. If youre not willing to risk, if you just want to play things conservatively and hope for the best, youll be sorely disappointed. The conservative route is a losers strategy, and yet so many people think minimizing risk in ventures is the right way to play.The battle within is triggered by external stimuli. We either react to what comes at us or take up the gauntlet and start attacking life proactively with a winners mindset. If you sit there and wait all the time, life begins to consume you. The struggle to be successful in your career starts to feel overwhelming every time you let up and think you can coast by.Your relationships begin to flounder when you stop working for them and th ink that everyone should come to you and things will work out all right. Life is a contact sport and you must be willing to compete and battle for what completes you. This means mastering your emotional and mental abilities through a mindset geared toward continuous improvement.To be at peace mentally and emotionally, we often need to be at peace spiritually. This meanswe have to accept life for what it is, to acknowledge things at face value, then do our best to influence and impact how we want to change things so they will align with our truthour imagination and purpose. It is this vision and purpose that must guide us to win the battle within.4 Ways to Win Your BattleWithin1. Build in time for self-reflectionSuccessful people who live boldly and joyfully are great thinkers. They dont suffer from paralysis by analysis, but rather they spend time in deep thought about how they want to design their lives. They think of traps to avoid, they have an excellent memory which steels them against repeating future mistakes. They overcome negative thinking with optimism and hope.I recommend dedicating a minimum of 15-minutes daily to thinking of all that youre facing right now in your life. You wont be able to solve all your problems in 15 minutes, but you will know what youre up against. Youll be able to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for each part of your day and youll become more resilient for approaching new and old obstacles.2. Find the environment that will enable you to clear yourmindWhat distributionspolitik works for you? Does it help you to meditate or find time in solitude in the confines of your own home? Is it in a public space like the library? Is it a church or house of worship? Maybe you need to get out in nature, disengage, unplug and find your inner-voice. We all need peace if were going to be great warriors against the things that threaten to derail us.I encourage you to find a place where you can think clearly and passionately.There is an amazing power getting to know your inner self and learning how to use it and not fight with the world. If you know what makes you happy, your personality, interests and capabilities, just use them, and everything else flows beautifully.JuhiChawla3. Bucket your worries and anxious thoughts into categoriesWhen you struggle long enough with anxious thoughts and fears, you come to a fork in the road. You either do something about it, or you become complacent. Remember thisaction is always better than inaction. Compose a list of all your worries and anxious thoughts. Once you have these in one place, begin bucketing them out and categorizing them.This simple act of shining a light on what affects us mentally and emotionally is vital in helping us develop a winners mindset. What do I mean? When youre able to isolate and highlight the things that threaten you, youre better able to analyze and target ways to overcome them. You can dismiss some thoughts as unfitting of your time and move on .Some of our biggest worries or concerns seem very trivial when we open them up to the light.4. GamePlanUltimately, you have to do the work. Better organization leads to better results. Become skilled at planning and executing off the plan you set for yourself. To win the battle you must know your enemies. And you must learn how to defeat them. Kindness, perseverance, gratitude, humility and hard work are all great values that will help you.Having a plan is a tremendous safeguard against down times and bad thoughts. This game plan will lift your spirits and keep you pointed in the direction to keep fighting on for a new day.This article first appeared on Medium.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Goldman Sachs Announces New CEO
Goldman Sachs Announces New CEOGoldman Sachs Announces New CEOToday, after the column went live, Goldman Sachs board of directors called a double-secret emergency meeting on a bare beam thirty-four floors above ground inside the firms still-in-construction new Manhattan headquarters (hardhats required) and deliberated for just four minutes and forty-four seconds, deciding to replace current chief Lloyd Not Doing So Blankfein with a man named Sidney Fincher, a relatively unknown financier with a penchant for wearing yak-fur hats and just a single wing tip.*In other news, Bank of America is boosting headcount overseas, particularly in emerging markets, hoping to expand operations outside the U.S. and create a world banking power. Bobby McCann, the new head of UBS Wealth Management Americas, has given great green hope to his brokers by shaving support staff, forming a leaner and meaner money-making machine. And brde but definitely not least, hedge fund manger$ killed it last year.*For m ore fiction, check out these five credit-crunch-related novels, reviewed in the Times Online.
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Top Secret Truth About Resume Cheat Sheet Revealed
The Top Secret Truth About Resume Cheat Sheet Revealed The Honest to Goodness Truth on Resume Cheat Sheet Resume is a kind of document employed by individuals that are seeking for employment. You must invest time into each application and be sure that your resume is tailored to every employer and the job which youre applying to. Resume objectives can be somewhat controversial. Resume objectives are from time to time thought to be the old schooltype of resume. Featuring only the experience and techniques that mirror the job demands of the position youre seeking can continue to keep the length in check. Domestic inventory markets prolonged positive variables to a 2nd straight session amid optimistic foreign cues. Try to remember, once you are job seeking, take a look at your actions in an objective method. If youre attempting to obtain work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Whats Really Happening with Resume Cheat Sheet If youre searching for a deeper dive into the intricacies of developing a great resume, have a look at our other resume tips and resources. The above mentioned tips should provide help. This comprehensive guide will offer advanced strategies and take you step by step on the best way to land an internship even if you dont have an idea on where to get started The templates are supposed to be a guide to begin, but it must be expanded on to make it your own. If you need assistance figuring out the way to do so, have a look at our office worker resume samples and expert writing tips. For more ideas about how to strengthen your program, take a look at our education and teaching resumes. Whether youre searching for your very first job or your next one, you will need a resume that shows employers that youre a skilled professional. Unique kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with a number of the exact skills. Write down everything you can think about, even if it appears small or insignificant. Its a lot easier to do stuff once you slept enough. fruchtwein folks look at writing a resume as just something youve got to do to have a job. Do the exact same stuff in the identical purchase. In case you have, make certain its mentioned. Again, although the information might seem repetitive, go right ahead and attach the resume. Speaking of unique, the main purpose of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for equal job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also called resume verbs). Thus it is crucial for any candidate gearing up for his dream job to experience a number of content that are already offered. Theres no greater opportunity to demonstrate your creativity than by employing a different word or phrasing. Approaching work search with a terrible attitude will just lead to poor excellent work on your part. The Resume Cheat Sheet Chronicles Take a look at our information technology res ume samples for some tips about how to present yourself as the ideal candidate. A new field of business was resume, which coo require new, higher speed coo so as to get the financial result in plus-rechnen to meet customer expectations of deliverables. Maybe you will even be providing services to the folks who make the goods. Adhering to this cheat sheets tips wont only clarify which type of information to include in the numerous pieces of your resume, but in addition tell why you must include it and how. Whatever They Told You About Resume Cheat Sheet Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why Creative While its important to get a professional resume, sometimes just a little creativity and innovation is acceptable. Include numbers when you are able to. Meta descriptions enable you to influence the way your web pages are described and displayed in search success. If youre interested in an infographic format, below are some infographic samples to check out. To find some formatting sugge stions for your resume, take a look at our samples. Below, you will discover a list of resume examples that could aid you with your work search. Correct word selection can be far more important than you believe. There was a time every time a proper Resume meant a review of the academic achievements. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. Resume Cheat Sheet at a Glance Take a look at our samples to get a better idea about what makes a good customer service resume and discover out what it requires to land your dream job. The very best part was I landed a new job in only a month or two This infographic consists of all you need to understand about producing an impressive resume. Locate a different means to express your skill collection.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Infographic Quiz Are Your Candidates Naughty or Nice
Infographic Quiz Are Your Candidates Naughty or NiceIts the holiday season again, which means gathering with friends and family to make spirits bright. Before you start eating your candy canes or hang your garland, remember the holidays can be a great time to find the right person to fill your open positions. But with the tough economy and so many resumes, both traditional and video, flying into your inbox it can be hard to discover the top talent.When recruiting during the holidays, it can sometimes be difficult to tell if the candidate sitting across from you in the video einstellungsgesprch is the perfect person for the position. Will your candidate be a great helper or a lump of coal in your companys stocking? Using the helpful quiz in this infographic, you can easily see if your candidate belongs on the naughty or nice list. The holidays come but once a year, but if you hire a bad candidate youll be stuck with them 365. So make sure your candidate is a great gift for your compan y, not a curse.Check out the infographic on these great outletsThe Undercover RecruiterRecruiter.comThe Recruiters LoungeCome RecommendedInfographic JournalTribeHRSmallBizDailyNerd GraphDoes your candidate belong on the naughty or nice list? Share in the comments
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